gunicorn as your Django development server

Usually when I’m working on a Django project, I use the built-in runserver command. For deployment, we mostly use nginx and uwsgi in front of Django.

However, for a new side project I needed a local Django setup with a faster debug server. To keep things simple, I was looking for a pure Python solution that could serve static files, and did automatic reloading on source change, just like runserver.

Fixed position of any Scatter child widget in Kivy

Just in case you were wondering how one could go about having any child widget of a Kivy Scatter widget that would stick in a single window-relative position whilst the scatter itself was being translated and rotated, I thought I’d post this solution.

With a scatter, one can very easily implement a canvas-like object that can be rotated, translated and zoomed, whilst all of the widgets it contains are transformed along with it. This is usually great, unless you’d like, for some or other reason, to display a widget at a fixed position, for example any kind of overlay, such as a label.

Notes on my full-time testing of 7 Dropbox alternatives

Ever since I dropped Dropbox in September of 2013 due to mounting privacy concerns, I’ve been searching for and testing various filesystem syncing solutions to take its place.

This post is a summary of the notes I made during this time.

It’s quite hard finding reviews online that go deeper than the very surface. Most sync software reviews can be summarised as:

Hey, look, here’s a new service that’s a dropbox killer / dropbox alternatives / disruptive in the sync space. Wow, you get N gigabytes of free space, that’s more than dropbox. Look, it seems to be syncing these three files I put in there. That’s great. The End.

Use the hardware-based full disk encryption of your TCG Opal SSD with msed

(This post has been updated since initial publication, see last section for details.)


My blog post on usable hardware-based SSD encryption has seen a great deal of activity. Although that post dealt primarily with the ATA security based type of hardware-based full drive encryption, readers from all over joined the discussion in the comments to talk about an increasing number of new self-encrypting drives supporting the TCG Opal standard.


Solving the Ubuntu 14.04 – NVIDIA 346 – nvidia-prime black screen issue

For a project that I’m currently helping with, we needed recent OpenGL features that are only available on NVIDIA drivers with version 340 and later.

Unfortunately, I have one of those NVIDIA Optimus laptops. Up to now, Bumblebee worked a treat (I would recommend this system in most cases), but for this project I needed the whole of X to run on the NVIDIA, so I had to make use of nvidia-prime to switch between Intel and NVIDIA mode.

Sending emails with math and source code

Org mode is great for authoring rich documents with syntax highlighted source code, LaTeX math and images. It even supports evaluating live snippets of code embedded in the text. It does all of this whilst remaining a plain text format.

Imagine how useful it would be to author programming-related or technical emails using this functionality?

Imagine no more! org-mime, part of the org mode contrib, does this for a number of emacs-based mail clients. However, our preference is for mu4e, which is not part of that list.

Inline GraphViz DOT evaluation for graphs using Emacs, org-mode and org-babel

With Emacs, org mode and org-babel, it’s possible to evaluate source code samples embedded in your org files and have the output of said evaluation appear inline. This makes for a beautiful literate programming environment. It also enables one to include graphs in one’s documents (org mode, PDF, HTML presentations or blog posts) by using for example GraphViz.

This blog post (obviously authored using Emacs and Org mode) contains short instructions for doing so.