lf, or “list files”, is a single binary file manager, inspired by the ranger file manager, but written in Go. Using this tool, you can navigate really quickly, build up a mental model of the filesystem layout and make modifications with ease.
Out of the box, this is super useful on remote machines or even docker containers where you don’t have access to your normal full configuration, in my case Emacs with dired.
However, you can also have a lot of fun tricking lf out with some extra configuration.
In my case, I wanted a light-weight setup that can preview images (in the terminal!), source code, compressed archives and some other odds and ends, with fast fuzzy file and directory jumping using fzf.
This post shows how to do all of that with the minimum of effort.
First you would probably like to see some examples of what this could look like.
We start with the image previewer:
Some syntax highlighted source code using the bat previewer with the Solarized (light) theme, which works well on my light and dark mode terminal setup:
Inside the tmux multiplexer, we revert to ASCII rendering, which takes me back:
Finally, listing of archive and package contents using lesspipe:
This config makes use of a small number of powerful utilities, and hooks them into lf via a preview script:
file: extract file’s mime type so that the rest of the preview script can decide what to preview it with
chafa: convert images to sixels or symbols for previewing. Such an amazing and fun project, go look!
bat: preview many kinds of text files with syntax highlighting
lesspipe: list contents and metadata of many kinds of archives
pdftoppm: convert PDFs to images so that they can be previewed via chafa
command-line fuzzy finder: Invoke with ctrl-o for rapidly opening any file or folder nested below your current location
You can install all of these using your package manager (see the preview script below for Debian / Ubuntu and homebrew invocations), after which you must install or configure your lfrc, preview and finally your shell configuration.
# add lfcd to your .bashrc / .zshrc# lfcd () {# # `command` is needed in case `lfcd` is aliased to `lf`# cd "$(command lf -print-last-dir "$@")"# }# alias lf='lfcd'# internal field separator: tell bash to split on newline, and not on space/tab as well# now we can do e.g. !7zz a archive.7z $fxset ifs "\n"map <delete> deleteset previewer ~/.config/lf/preview# our previewer script uses bat - re-use for the pager shortcutmap i $~/.config/lf/preview $f | less -R# we convert images to sixel using chafaset sixel true# refine selected file as I typeset incsearch truecmd fzf_jump ${{#res="$(find * | fzf --header='Jump to location')"res="$(fzf --walker=file,dir,follow,hidden --walker-skip=.git,node_modules,.Trash)"
if [ -n "$res" ]; then
if [ -d "$res" ]; then
res="$(printf '%s' "$res" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/"/\\"/g')"
lf -remote "send $id $cmd \"$res\""
fi}}map <c-o> :fzf_jump
As mentioned in the config file, add the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc so that when you exit lf, you won’t be returned to the directory where you started lf, but rather the one you navigated to.
lfcd (){# `command` is needed in case `lfcd` is aliased to `lf`cd"$(command lf -print-last-dir "$@")"}aliaslf='lfcd'
preview script
Create the file ~/.config/preview with the following contents.
Remember to mkdir ~/.cache/lf for the pdf image caching logic.
# light-weight preview script for gokcehan's lf file manager# requirements:# file bat chafa pdftoppm lesspipe# mkdir -p ~/.cache/lf && mkdir -p ~/.config/lf# cp preview ~/.config/lf/preview# on ubuntu install the dependencies with# sudo apt install file bat chafa fzf poppler-utils# ln -s /usr/bin/batcat ~/.local/bin/bat# on homebrew (macOS or... linux) you can do# brew install bat chafa fzf lesspipe poppler# ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/lesspipe.sh ~/.local/bin/lesspipe# this bat theme works best for me on light and dark terminals# "bat --list-themes" to see all of them on your setupBAT_THEME="Solarized (light)"batorcat(){file="$1"shiftifcommand -v bat >/dev/null 2>&1;then bat --color=always --theme="$BAT_THEME" --style=numbers --pager=never "$file""$@"else cat "$file"fi}image(){if[ -n "$WT_SESSION"]||[ -n "$TMUX"];then# windows terminal (no sixels yet) or tmux (not much success with passthrough to iterm here) chafa -f symbols -s "$2x$3" --animate off --polite on "$1"else chafa -f sixels -s "$2x$3" --animate off --polite on "$1"fi}# cpbotha's simplified versionCACHE="$HOME/.cache/lf/thumbnail.$(sha256sum "$1"| awk '{print $1}')"case"$(file -Lb --mime-type -- "$1")" in
image/*)#chafa -f sixel -s "$2x$3" --animate off --polite on "$1" image "$1""$2""$3""$4""$5"exit1;; application/pdf)[ ! -f "${CACHE}.jpg"]&& pdftoppm -jpeg -f 1 -singlefile "$1""$CACHE" image "${CACHE}.jpg""$2""$3""$4""$5";; text/*|application/json) batorcat "$1";; *)#file -b "$1"# lesspipe can list many archives, and even do docx files# if it does not work (e.g. message/rfc822) then batorcat can try lesspipe "$1"|| batorcat "$1"||echo"lesspipe not installed or could not open file";;esac