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emacs 42 python 18 orgmode 15 mu4e 8 ubuntu 8 windows 8 linux 7 wsl 7 django 5 emacs-lisp 5 nvidia 5 pytorch 5 android 4 htc desire z 4 latex 4 lisp 4 macos 4 markdown 4 mua 4 zotero 4 arduino 3 bibtex 3 bitcoin 3 blockchain 3 counsel 3 cryptocurrency 3 cuda 3 deep learning 3 email 3 encryption 3 helm 3 hugo 3 isync 3 lsp 3 mbsync 3 offlineimap 3 optimus 3 org mode 3 org-babel 3 ox-hugo 3 pandoc 3 software development 3 ssd 3 typescript 3 visible orbit 3 visual studio code 3 vscode 3 wordpress 3 2560x1440 2 aes 2 ag 2 apple 2 benchmarks 2 chrome 2 cmake 2 cuda 10 2 d3.js 2 dell 2 dired 2 docker 2 dotnet 2 dropbox 2 eth 2 ethereum 2 fastai 2 fastcgi 2 fastmail 2 fcgi 2 fde 2 fixed 2 fp16 2 go 2 hodl 2 iipsrv 2 ios 2 ipython 2 iso 8601 2 ivy 2 javascript 2 laptop 2 machine learning 2 miniconda 2 mixed precision 2 ob-ipython 2 org 2 org-ref 2 org-roam 2 poetry 2 pylance 2 react 2 reduced blanking 2 review 2 rsync 2 security 2 skype 2 speech recognition 2 tensor cores 2 the silver searcher 2 thinkpad 2 tramp 2 turing 2 unison 2 visualization 2 vtk 2 windows subsystem for linux 2 wireless 2 woolz 2 xbee 2 xdg-open 2 11.04 1 12.04 1 1writer 1 200av 1 3.3v 1 6200 1 802.15.4 1 9p 1 abbreviation 1 accidental answering 1 acer 1 acer v3 1 acer v3 571g 1 adb 1 add-advice 1 advice 1 advice-add 1 agility 1 ai 1 airdroid 1 ajax 1 alsa 1 amibios 1 amp 1 anaconda 1 annoyances 1 ansible 1 anti-virus 1 api 1 arm 1 asus 1 ata password 1 atrix 4g 1 autoencoders 1 automatic mixed precision 1 avr 1 bat 1 best practices 1 betamax 1 bibliography 1 bittorrent sync 1 blurry 1 bromcfg 1 built-in 1 bumblebee 1 c# 1 c++ 1 c01u 1 calc 1 calibre 1 cellphones 1 chafa 1 child theme 1 cisco 1 clang 1 clion 1 cloudflare 1 cloudstation 1 cmd.exe 1 code style 1 coding conventions 1 color 1 colorbrewer 1 colour 1 command interpreter 1 command-line 1 console 1 console2 1 continuous integration 1 contour 1 cordova 1 core i5 1 cors 1 cortex 1 cppcast 1 cron 1 cross-origin 1 crux 1 csharp 1 cursd 1 cvt 1 cyanogenmod 1 cygwin 1 cython 1 d3 1 dark 1 date 1 date formats 1 debug 1 deft 1 dell e6410 1 dell u2713hm 1 dependency walker 1 desire z 1 desktop sharing 1 development 1 diacritics 1 dialplan 1 dictation 1 disable-web-security 1 disqus 1 django rest framework 1 djangobook 1 dll 1 docker-compose 1 docx 1 dot 1 drf 1 dutch 1 e3331 1 e6410 1 ebook 1 ecl 1 eclipse 1 eglot 1 elections 2019 1 embeddable common lisp 1 es 1 eslint 1 et al 1 europe 1 evolution 1 excel 1 ext4 1 fastapi 1 fenced code blocks 1 fennel 1 ffiap 1 file managers 1 format=flowed 1 fsharp 1 full hd 1 gadgets 1 gain 1 gce 1 geforce gt520m 1 gfm 1 gif 1 gin 1 gist 1 git bash 1 github 1 github flavored markdown 1 gnupg 1 golang 1 golang, 1 google 1 google compute engine 1 google hangouts 1 gpg 1 gpu 1 gpu-manager 1 graphviz 1 gunicorn 1 gvfs-open 1 hack 1 hardware 1 hardware keyboard 1 harmonic numbers 1 hashing 1 hdd password 1 hdmi 1 home automation 1 homekit 1 homeplug 1 howto 1 htc 1 htc sense 1 html5 1 huawei 1 hunspell 1 hybrid 1 hyperdrive 1 ieee 1 imap 1 impress.js 1 intel 520 1 internaldate 1 international characters 1 iphone 1 ips 1 iredmail 1 isso 1 itead 1 jaxx 1 jetbrains 1 k80 1 k8s 1 keras 1 kindle 1 kivy 1 kpn 1 kraken 1 kubernetes 1 kv 1 kv language 1 lcow 1 lens 1 lesspipe 1 level sets 1 libreoffice 1 lighttpd 1 linksys 1 llava 1 llm 1 lttb 1 lua 1 luks 1 löve 1 magit 1 magma 1 manjaro 1 math 1 mathjax 1 matrix 1 mmm-mode 1 mmtool 1 mobipocket 1 motorola 1 msed 1 msi epower 1 mtp 1 multi-currency 1 natty 1 netherlands 1 neural networks 1 nginx 1 notes 1 notes.app 1 ntfs 1 nullmailer 1 numba 1 numpy 1 nvidia-prime 1 nvs3100m 1 ocz 1 opal 1 open source 1 openai 1 opengl 1 org2blog 1 osx 1 overlay 1 p5kc 1 papercite 1 paperspace 1 parallels desktop 1 parliament 1 pdflatex 1 pg_trgm 1 pgp 1 phonegap 1 pipenv 1 pipx 1 pkb4000 1 plaintext 1 plc 1 polymode 1 postgres 1 powerline 1 precise pangolin 1 presentations 1 programming style 1 pulseaudio 1 pycharm 1 pyd 1 pyinstaller 1 python 3.7 1 pythran 1 q-tip 1 qrcode 1 qt 1 qtcreator 1 r0m30 1 rancher 1 real-time protection 1 recursive 1 request.el 1 resnet 1 restructuredtext 1 resume 1 rfc3676 1 robotdyn 1 rooting 1 roundcube 1 rtags 1 rtx 1 ruff 1 s2c 1 samd21 1 samson 1 samsung 1 samsung 840 pro 1 samsung np300v3a 1 sandforce 1 sankey 1 scatter 1 screen sharing 1 seafile 1 sed 1 segmentation 1 shell 1 shelly 1 shortcuts 1 signed distance fields 1 sip 1 sipura 1 siri 1 skype premium 1 slime 1 slow scroll 1 solution 1 south africa 1 spa3102 1 spideroak 1 sql 1 staticfiles 1 sucks 1 supervisor 1 swipe to answer 1 switchresx 1 syncthing 1 syntaxhighlighter 1 t-mobile g2 1 task management 1 tcg 1 tensorflow 1 theme 1 threading 1 thunderbird 1 thunderlink 1 timezones 1 toothpaste 1 transformation 1 tree-sitter 1 trigram 1 truecrypt 1 tsx 1 twenty seventeen 1 u2713hm 1 ubuntu 14.04 1 unlocking 1 upgrade 1 url 1 uwsgi 1 v100 1 variational autoencoders 1 vertex 1 video 1 video conferencing 1 visual studio 1 vlm 1 vmware fusion 1 voidtools 1 voip 1 volta 1 vs.code 1 wallets 1 wasm 1 webcam 1 webfaction 1 widgetlocker 1 winget 1 wuala 1 wxpython 1 xdg 1 xorg-edgers 1 xorg.conf 1 ziggo 1